The Battle is a freestyle/improv competition held at all Streetz regional and National events. At regional events, the Battle will take place on the second day of classes. Round 1 will be during lunch and round two will start immediately after the last class of the day. Only registered dancers are allowed to enter the battle.
Age groups will be split up to 12 and under and 13-19 year olds. In each of these age groups, dancers will be able to choose any dance style to compete under and will be placed in 3 main music selection styles: Jazz, Contemporary, and Hip Hop. As mentioned above, a dancer may also compete any other styles like Tap, Ballroom, Lyrical etc. but they will be placed in one of the three music categories listed above. For example, if a dancer is competing with tap, they would go with the hip hop dancers, ballroom would go with jazz, and lyrical would go with contemporary for the best music selections.
The Battle is $20 to enter. To sign up, the dancer will need to add their name and style to the Battle sign up list located at the Streetz Shop anytime throughout the weekend. Limited spots available and battle registration is subject to sell out.
First place winners at a regional city may enter The Final Battle at Nationals for Free!
Battle winners will be awarded cash prizes!!!